ASEAN・東アジアにおける中間財貿易の循環的連結構造 : 1990-1995-2000年アジア国際産業連関表による分析


  • Segmentalized Vertical Specialization Share in ASEAN and East Asia Trade : An Asian International Input-Output Analysis, 1990-1995-2000


This paper deals with 3-stage vertical specialization share (VS) originally introduced by Hummelsa et al. (2001) and extended by Fujita (2006a) . I calculate segmentalized elements of the enhanced VS model matrix using IDE-JETRO Asia International Input-Output Tables in 1990, 1995 and 2000 now available. Each of these elements has the information about export sector, export destination (country and sector) and inducted import origin (country and sector) Especially, the growth of Electronics and Electronic Products sector's VSs are remarkable and I breakdown them into the factors, as export/gross output ratio and import dependency of intermediate goods by industrial sector and import induction ratio caused by the character of total industrial structure. As a result, some aspects of the inter-mediate goods trade structure of Asia in the sector are obtained.

本稿は、藤田渉. ASEAN・東アジアにおける中間財貿易の循環的連結構造 : 1990-1995-2000年アジア国際産業連関表による分析. 東南アジア研究年報. vol. 48, p. 1-36 に対する査読の結果、修正して、『研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集-. 2008,vol.1, no.1』に掲載されたものである。

研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集- 1(1), 2008




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