

  • センパク ユダク ソンガイ ニ オケル カンキョウ ソンガイ ノ バイショウ ホショウ セイド ニ カンスル コウサツ 2 カン
  • Compensation System for Environmental Damage in Oil Pollution Damage Caused by Vessels (2)



Although it has been already pointed out that environmental damage is included in oil pollution damage caused by vessels, the Vessel Oil Pollution Damage Compensation Act in Japan does not expressly provide for that damage. This Article attempts to analyze the scope of compensation for environmental damage in oil pollution damage caused by tank vessels and non-tank vessels respectively. In addition, the Article aims to indicate, as an item to be noted in the case where the concept of environmental damage is expressly introduced, that protection of victims of oil pollution should not be degraded while protecting marine environment. Part 2 of the Article discusses oil pollution damage caused by non-tank vessels, limitation of liability and the Oil Pollution Act in the United States.


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