真珠漁場の底質に関する究研―2 : 大村湾における底質成分の層別差違およびその季節的変化について


  • オオムラワン ニ オケル テイシツ セイブン ノ ソウ ベツ サイ オヨビ ソノ キセツテキ ヘンカ ニ ツイテ
  • Studies on the Bottom Muds in the Seas of Pearl Farms―II.Vertical and seasonal variations of some constituents at each depth in the mud layers



This time we have observed the vertical variations and the seasonal variation at each depth, of the constituents mentioned in the preceding section-I, at the seven stations in the Omura Bay, from June to Nov., 1964. The following results are obtained: 1) Every constituent decreses as the deepening develops. Some samples, however, somewhat increased at certain depths. 2) The sulfides and the reducing matters are low in quantities at the early season of June and are increasing from summer to September. At the early season of this observation, constituents in the same depths show the nearly same values, irrespective of stations, except in surface layers. As for the late season of November, the above facts are not distinct. 3) As for the total nitrogens, the organic carbons and ignitionlosses, the values are high at the early season and the late season. But from summer to September, these values are low and relatively constant at each depth, except in surface layers. 4) The above-mentioned facts are observed, at least, to the layers 60cm deep.


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