On Certain Congruences for Gauss Sums



In this note, certain congruences for Gauss sums over the finite field GF (pf) are studied. Especially, in the case of f = 1, two deductions for the congruence are given as follows: Let p be any odd prime and ω be the Teichmüller character of conductor p. Let ζp be a fixed primitive p-th root of unity. Then for the Gauss sum g(ωr)=∑xmodp ωr(x)ζxp with respect to any Dirichlet character x=ωr with 1≤r≤p-2, two elementary deductions for a congruence…are given by making use of the Stickelberger theorem and by making use of the Kummer congruences together with the Artin-Hasse exponential series, where p means the prime ideal in Qp (ζp) and ϖ denotes a prime element in Qp (ζp) satisfying…


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