長崎縣下に產するPlanktonの生化學的硏究(第二報) : 佐世保港内崎辺海岸で採集したDiatom並に大村湾音琴海岸で採集したSag ttaに就て


  • Biochemical Studies on the Plankton in Nagasaki Prefecture.―II.On the Diatom collected at the coast of Sakibe, Sasebo Harbour, and the Sagitta caught on the shore of Negoto, Oomura Bay.
  • 長崎県下に産するPlanktonの生化学的研究-2 : 佐世保港内崎辺海岸で採集したDiatom並に大村湾音琴海岸で採集したSag ttaに就て



In May and June (1953) planktons collected at the coast of Sakibe, Sasebo Harbour were for the most part diatoms, and in November (the same year) ones gathered at the seaside of Negoto, Oomura Bay were practically Sagitta enflata Grassi. Each collection was alike very characteristic, and we made analysis the former as Diatom-group, and the letter as Sagitta-group. Diatom-group could be found that it held arginine, aspartic acid, alanine, valine, iso-leucine, galactose, glucose and what not. Sagitta-group contains arginine, aspartic acid, alanine, glutamine, glutamic acid, valine, leucine, iso-leucine and etc. All things taken togther, plankton-collecting has a disadvantage difficult to gather in quantity therefore our result of determination are apt to become ambiguons. Mr. Kazuo Tanaka collected Sagittagroup in earnest. We express our gratitude to him.

1.佐世保港の崎辺海岸で採集した(昭和二十八年五月六日)Diatom-groupの構成物質をPaper-chromatographyで検出した処Arginine,Aspartic acid,Alanineと極微量のValine,Isoleucine並にCarbohydrateのGalactose,Glucoseが検出出來た。Carbohydrateは特徴的なもので他にも確認こそ出來なかつたが二、三種類のものがあるらしく思へる。Amino-acids中ではAspartic acidが最も顕著に存在するものと認められる。 2.大村湾の音琴海岸で採集した(同年十一月)Sagitta-groupにはArginine,Aspartic acid,Alanine,Glutamine,Glutamic acid,Valine,Leucine,Iso-leucine等が検出出來た。このgroupはその特徴がCopepoda groupに似てGlutamic acid次にはAspartic acidが顕著に検出出來た。3.Mineralはどれにも見出せなかつた。

長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.2, pp57-58; 1954


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