アコヤガイ(Pinctada martensi(Dunker))の成長度と環境条件について


  • アコヤガイ Pinctada martensi Dunker ノ セイチョウド ト カンキョウ ジョウケン ニ ツイテ
  • A Study on Growth and Environmental Conditions of Pearl-oyster (Pinctada martensi (DUNKER)).



Present paper refers to elucidate the relation between growth-rate and environmental conditions of pearl-oyster Pinctada martensi (DUNKER)) of Omura Bay. The investigations were carried on May to November 1956 at two pearl-farms in neighboring waters of the Bay ; Ogusi (inside of the Bay) and Segawa (outside of the Bay), occupying two stations in each farm. Two farms above mentioned are hitherto considered by pearl makers to be different in environmental conditions so as to arouse difference in quality of pearls. Results obtained as follows. 1. Growth-rate correlates in positive with water temperature and plankton volume in sea water. 2. It is surmised, the smaller the variations in the dissolved oxygen content and in chlorinity become, the better the shells grow. 3. Gen. Chaetoceros was dominant both in environment and in gastric canal. 4. There is a difference in numbers of bacteria in environment at both farms, but no difference in chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D).



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