

  • アサクサノリ ノ カホウシ ズケ ニ カンスル ニ , サン ノ ジッケン
  • Some Experiments on Liberation and Adhesion of Carpospore of Porphyra tenera



In this work, an experimental observation has been conducted on the liberation and the adhesion of carpospores of Porphyra tenera in the laboratory. The material was collected at spring tide and kept half-dry prior to the experiment. From the half-dried material, the great majority of healthy carpospores liberated within 2 days. However, in case of fronds kept in the sea water, the shedding of spores continued more than two weeks. The experiment revealed that approximately 20-50 per cent of liberated spores attached to the substratum and about 10 per cent of them developed into the Conchocelis-phase. Futher, in running sea water, the adhesion of spores tends to be easier and more in quantity in slow current than in fast. When the spore-containing water was poured into the vessel in which oyster shells were piled up togather, there was scarcely any difference between all shells in number of attached spores.


長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.7, pp.81-86; 1959


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