T町住民の子ども・自治会・近隣住民との関係に関する意識 -対象者の居住家族形態の比較を中心に-
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- Tチョウ ジュウミン ノ コドモ ・ ジチカイ ・ キンリン ジュウミン ト ノ カンケイ ニ カンスル イシキ : タイショウシャ ノ キョジュウ カゾク ケイタイ ノ ヒカク オ チュウシン ニ
- Perceptions of residents of the T-housing complex towards relationship with local children, neighbors and the autonomous association: Comparison by the structure and life stage of the family of the respondents
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目的:T町在住の住民を家族の居住形態ごとに分類し,対象者の居住家族形態ごとに,子育て,自治会活動,近隣住民との信頼関係に対する意識を比較する. 方法:T町の自治会加入者で20歳以上の者(717名)に対する無記名自記式配票調査.調査項目は,基本属性,家族構成,T町の子ども・住民・自治会との関わり等. 結果:拡大家族世帯に属する対象者は,子育てや自治会活動への関心が低く,近所付き合いの頻度も有意に低かった. 考察:T町の拡大家族は地域活動への参加は少ないが,これは世帯構成員が多いため,世帯外に手助けを求める必要が少ないことが関係していると思われる.本件に関しては,さらなる分析が必要である.
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the perception of the residents of the T-housing complex of Nagasaki City towards relationship with local children, neighbors, and autonomous association according to the structure and life stage of the family of the respondents. Methods: A six-page questionnaire was developed and distributed to 717 residents of the T housing complex older than 20 years of age. The studied variables included basic characteristics( e.g. age, gender, economic condition, relationship between the respondent and each family member, etc.), perception and level of participation in community-based child-rearing and activities. Results: Respondents from the expanded family were less likely to show an interest in participating in community-based activities, particularly child-rearing and supporting the elderly. Discussion: One can assume that the members of the expanded family in the T housing complex may contain sufficient manpower within the family for child-rearing and elderly care-giving. Therefore, members of the expanded family are also less likely to participate in activities within the community and are likely to isolate themselves from other community members.
- Health Science Research
Health Science Research 27 35-43, 2015-01
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050005822298599808
- NII Article ID
- 110009873255
- NII Book ID
- AA12200909
- 18814441
- 10069/35043
- 026045507
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles