

  • Connection between “out-of-class” and “in-class” Learning of “sport principles” for Learners to Gain Learning Experience
  • ガクシュウシャ ガ ガクシュウ ケイケン オ ツム タメノ 「スポーツ ゲンリ」 ノ ジュギョウガイ ガクシュウ ト ジュギョウナイ ガクシュウ トノ セツゾク



本研究は,「スポーツ原理(Sport Philosophy and Principle)」の授業外学修と授業内学修との効果的な接続を目的として,学修者の学修経験を重視した「バリエーションと不変」という学修モデルを採用し,その効果について多変量解析を用いて検証し,次の結果を得た。 (1)授業外学修の提出率は,全授業回を通して,概ね高い傾向であった。 (2)学修者の授業外学修の得点から,一般線型モデルの反復測定の分散分析を適用した。多重比較の結果から,授業回後半の得点が有意に高く,学修間接続の効果が見られた。 (3)混合効果モデルを用いて,学修者の免許資格の志向性を考慮し分析した。その結果,授業外学修の得点が上昇すると,授業内学修や総得点の上昇がみられた。 (4)授業外学修と授業外学修を取り巻く要因から共分散構造分析を実施した。サンプルサイズは小さいものの潜在変数の数を減らし,モデルとしても十分な適合度が見られた。

In the future vision of higher education, the learning experience of learners, “what have they learned and acquired?” is emphasized. Authentic approaches can be incorporated to set up lessons that emphasize this learning experience. In this study, based on the authentic approach, we conducted curriculum development of out-of-class learning and in-class learning for sports principles, and statistically verified the effect. (1) Regarding the class of sports principles, we developed a curriculum for extracurricular learning and in-class learning that emphasized the learning experience of learning the way of thinking of binary conflict about the phenomenon in sports based on the setting of authentic class objectives. (2) The transition of the average number of submissions of assignments outside the class was 87%, and the submission rate after the middle term was higher than the initial submission rate. (3) The distribution of the scores of the out-of-class learning for each lesson based on the rubric’s rating was increased by the repeated measurements of the general linear model. (4) A structural equation model was conducted to analyze out-of-class learning, in-class learning, and the degree of satisfaction of learners and the power acquired by debate. As a result, a high degree of goodness of fit as a model was confirmed. (5) We conducted a mixed-effects model and found that there was a correlation between the degree of learning outside the class and the satisfaction of the learners.




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