Current Status of Work Load Problem of Nurse and Care Staffs in Nursing Homes and Convalescent Wards, and Inter-Professional Collaboration
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- Other Title
- 療養病床における看護職と介護職の業務負担と連携における課題
- リョウヨウ ビョウショウ ニ オケル カンゴショク ト カイゴショク ノ ギョウム フタン ト レンケイ ニ オケル カダイ
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The purpose of this research is to clarify the current status of work load of nurse and care staffs in nursing homes and convalescent wards, and to examine possibility of cooperation of nurse and care staffs for reducing their work load. Data were obtained through across-sectional mail survey of nursing homes and convalescent wards in Sikoku area, Japan. Of the 71 facilities invited to participate, 55 facilities (75%: N=939) completed the questionnaire. The consent to this survey was obtained by return of the questionnaire. We developed specially-designed questionnaire about seven domains of nursing and care etc., such as vital-signs measurement, meal assistance, etc. and surveyed on "which work contents respondent was felt for a heavy burden", and "which work contents respondent thought to delegate the task to other profession". In order to grasp the feature for each professional description, correspondence analysis and chi square tests were performed. Nursing staff were thought significantly to delegate following task to other profession: meal assistance; cleaning baths; toileting assistance; mobility support and rehabilitation; and dressing assistance. Also, nursing staff strongly felt to delegate their tasks to other profession. Nurses were felt significantly the burden for their tasks that meal assistance and medication support
On the contrary, Care workers and assistant nurses little felt to delegate their tasks to other profession from the correspondence analysis result. From these results, it was suggested that nurses have to provide advice to workers and assistant nurses from nursing perspective, and provide an opportunity for an exchange of views on care service in order to cooperate and improve quality of services. In addition, it is important to carry out educational activities on which to solve poor staffing problem etc. in nursing homes and convalescent wards.
- Nursing journal of Kagawa University
Nursing journal of Kagawa University 16 (1), 57-64, 2012-03-01
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050006297336595712
- NII Article ID
- 120007014478
- NII Book ID
- AA12029628
- 023631542
- 13498673
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles