Effectts of tower climbing exercise on muscle mass and hematological status in glucocorticoid–injected rats

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  • タワークライミング運動がグルココルチコイド投与ラットの筋肉量および血液状態に及ぼす影響
  • Effects of tower climbing exercise on muscle mass and hematological status in glucocorticoid-injected rats

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To determine the effects of tower climbing exercise on loss of muscle mass and hematological status in elucocorticoid–injected rats, 29 male Sprague–Dawley rats, 10 weeks of age, were assigned to three groups:a saline control (C, 11=9), a glucocorticoid–sedentary (GS, n=10) group and a glucocorticoid–exercise (GE, n=10) group. The GS and GE groups were given 2 mg/kg/day of prednisolone, and the C group was given 2 ml/day of saline injected daily subcutaneously. Each group was meal‐fed commercial rat chow in equal quantity at 7:30 am to 8:30 am and 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm and given free access to water for 8 weeks. The GE group voluntarily climbed the 200‐cm tower to drink water from the bottle set at the top of it. Weight gain duri ng the 8‐week experimental period was greater in the C group than in the GS and GE groups. Liver, heart, kidney, spleen and abdominal adipose tissue weights were not different among the three groups. The hindlimb muscles and total muscle mass were heavier in the C group than in other groups. The weight of each muscle relative to body weight did not differ among the three groups, except quadriceps and forearm muscles. Hematological status was not influenced by glucocorticoid administration with or without climbing exercise. These resuits suggest that 8 weeks of climbing exercise did not attenuate glucocorticoid–induced muscle atrophy. lt is suggested that this exercise may be too light to prevent loss of muscle.


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