ヴァイシェーシカに見る世界の帰滅と創造 (東西の死生観・哲学仏教的領域からの考察)


  • The Theory of Creation and Destruction of the World in Vaiśeşika Philosophy



In the Padarthadharmasamgraha [PDhS.] of Prasastapada which is the systematic and definitive treatise of Vaiseika school, he discusses the creation and destruction of the world. This topic is not discussed in VaiSesikasutra [VS .] in detail as Prasastapada does. One can easily see that his discussion on certain topics is more detailed than that of VS. and contains different elements which are not found in VS. Prasastapada introduces for instance, the Isvara as the supreme God, the brahmakala, and the theory of creation in some mythological costume. There is no textual evidence which tells us about these philosophical changes taken place in the course of time between VS. and PDhS., if they are not innovations of Prasastapada himself. Nor know we any reason which instigate him to make such new tenets. In this paper, an attempt is made to trace the influences from the thoughts of VS., which seem to be represented in PDhS., and to review them. Although we cannot find the suitras about the creation of the world in VS., one notion seems to play an important role to resolve this issue, i.e., "adrsta: an invisible power". This adrsta is the cause of the world creation in the VS. PDhS. Tries to combine this adrsta to the theory of padartha which is the main subject in it. This leads to the inclusion of adrsta notion in the section of gUTJapadartha. As a consequence, adrsta is no longer admitted as the material cause, since, if it is the material cause, it goes against the definition of gUTJa which is given in PDhS. Therefore, adrsta in VS., being active, needs another element to start and stop its activities. In turn, Isvara is inevitably introdueed as the material cause of adrsta. By adding the notion of Isbara the creation story which has been told in the mythological texts is adopted in PDhS. We conclude that the theory of the creation and destruction of the world in PDhS. Is nothing but the instant composition of the thought of the world formation based on the atom theory in VS. and the creation story brought from the mythology.This paper deals with the following issues, referring to VS., PDhS. And their commentaries: the first movement of the atom (paramanu) prompted by adrsta, the movement of manas and atman, adrsta as the quality of atman, the adoptation of the mythological theory of the creation.



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