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- シンジン カンゴシ ノ プリセプター オ シエン スル モノ ニ ヒツヨウ ナ ノウリョク ト シシツ ニ カンスル ゼンコク チョウサ : プリセプター シエンシャ ノ ハイケイ ニ ヨル チガイ ニ ショウテン オ アテテ
- Investigation about the requirements for nurses who support preceptors of new nurses : Focus on the deference among their positions in hospitals
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先行研究では、新人看護師のプリセプターを支援する者(以下プリセプター支援者とする)に必要とされる能力・資質24項目が明らかになっている。本研究の目的は、これらの能力が、実際のプリセプター支援においてどの程度求められ、どの程度実施できているかについて全国調査を行い、プリセプター支援者の背景(職位)によるちがいを明かにすることで、プリセプター支援者育成プログラムを開発する上での示唆を得ることである。全国の400床以上の病院に所属する新人看護師のプリセプター支援者を対象に、無記名自記式質問紙を郵送し、前述の「プリセプター支援者に必要とされる能力・資質24項目」について、①どの程度求められているか、②どの程度実施できているか、について、4ポイントスケールで回答を求め、回答をプリセプター支援者の職位ごとに分析した。 230施設、386名のプリセプター支援者(師長は168名、副師長は111名、スタッフ看護師は107名)から回答を得た。プリセプター支援者に最も高く求められていた能力は、[患者中心の看護を心掛け、日々向上しようと努力している]であり、よく実施できていた。師長では[プリセプターが支援を求めているその時に支援することができる]が、副師長では[プリセプターが自ら問題を解決できるよう支援することができる]が、スタッフ看護師では[広い視野で問題の構造を把握し、対応することができる]が、特に、「求められている」と「実施できている」の差が大きい項目であった。以上より、新人看護師のプリセプター支援者の職位によって、求められている能力や資質にちがいがあり、特に
Our previous study revealed that there were 24 requirements for nurses who support preceptors of new nurses. The purpose of this study was to clarify how these 24 requirements were pursued and realized in actual clinical settings, focusing on the deference among nurses' positions in hospitals. Subjects of this study were nurses who supported preceptors of new nurses in hospitals which had more than 400 beds in Japan. They were asked to answer the questionnaire toexamine how these 24 requirements were pursued and realized in actual clinical settings, andto send the questionnaires back by mail. The answers were analyzed statistically and compared with the difference between the extent of pursuit and realization and with nurses' positions in hospitals. 386 nurses from 230 hospitals answered the questionnaires and send them back. 168 werehead nurses, 111 were deputy head nurses and 107 were staff nurses. The requirement which was pursued most strongly by nurses who supported preceptors was "to have the will to do patient-centered care and to try to improve it." This requirement was also realized well in clinical settings. As for head nurses, it was found that "to support preceptors just at times when they need help" was the requirement which proved to be hardest to realize. As for deputy head nurses, "to help the preceptors to solve the problems by themselves" was the requirement which proved to be hardest to realize. As for staff nurses, "to understand the background of the problems from a higher view and meet them" was the requirement which was easier to pursue than to realize. These results showed that requirements which were regarded as important by nurses who supported preceptors depended on their positions in hospitals. Particularly, staff nurses pursued the requirement "to understand the background of the problems from a higher view and meet them", but they had difficulty to realize it in actual clinical settings. It was predicted that we needed to develop an educational program for nurses who support th
source:Journal of School of Nursing, Chiba University
- 千葉大学看護学部紀要
千葉大学看護学部紀要 32 1-8, 2010-03
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050007072206382080
- NII Article ID
- 120007065201
- NII Book ID
- AN00142705
- 03877272
- 10657346
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles