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  • ラット上丘の構造について(構造学的研究,<特集>脳と神経の研究VII)
  • ラット ジョウ オカ ノ コウゾウ ニ ツイテ
  • Neuronal Structure of the Superior Colliculus of the Rat
  • 原著

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ラットの上丘のKluver-Barrera染色,Pal-carmine染色,Nissl染色,Golgi-Cox法燐タングステン酸変法,Bodian染色,Cajal第II法染色標本で細胞構築と樹状突起の広がり方について検索した。なお,Golgi-Cox標本でみると,上丘の細胞には種々のものがあって,それぞれ樹状突起の分岐状態,広がり方,分布範囲に特徴を示した。しかしながら,これらの細胞の配列状態は,大脳皮質,海馬などとは異なり規則性に乏しかった。そこで各切片から全く無作意に描写してきた多くの細胞を基にして,上丘内での元の存在位置を考慮に入れて模式図にまとめ各層の特徴をつかむことにした。1.a)第I層(str. zonale, str. griseum superficiale, str. opticum)中でstr. zonaleは最も細胞成分に乏しい。str. griseum superficialeには長軸を背腹方向にむけた楕円形の小形の胞体をもつ神経細胞が比較的目立った。str. opticumにも三角形の小形および多角形の中等大細胞など,かなりの数の神経細胞がみられた。b)Golgi-Cox標本で第I層をみた時に,最も特徴的な細胞は背腹方向に複雑に分岐した樹状突起を持っ小形ないし中等大のものであった。これらの細胞は第I層の中間部に多い。その他に,樹状突起を水平および矢状断方向,あるいは四方に伸ばした小形の細胞もみられたが,その数は少なかった。なお,深部には中等大の星形の胞体を持つ多極性細胞も認められた。2.a)第II層(str. griseum intermedium, str. album intermedium, str. griseum profundum)および第III層(str. album profundum)では胞体が40μ以上にも達する大形の多角形細胞が目立ち,こうした大形細胞の上丘内分布にはつぎのような特徴があった。


The cytoarchitecture and the dendritic organization of the rat superior colliculus were studied with Kluver-Barrera, Pal-carmine and Nissl preparations and silver impregnation methods (Ramon Moliner, Bodian and Cajal respectively). In accordance with its fiber connections, the mammalian superior colliculus may be subdivided into three main layers. The first layer is closely connected with the visual system, the second one receives fibers from the non-visual cortex, the spinal cord and the other parts, and the last one as the efferent and afferent fibers layer of the colliculus. 1. The first layer: A) Cytoarchitecture: The zonal layer consisted of chiefly neuropils, glial cells and some scattered nerve cells. The small oval nourons orientated toward the surface of the colliculus was pronounced in the superficial gray layer. B) Golgi study: This layer contained many neurons variable in shape, but was characterized by the small to medium-sized spindle-like neurons with long, richly branching apical and basal dendrites. Multipolar neurons of medium size were also found in the depper region. 2. The second and the third layers: A) Cytoarchitecture: There were many polygonal neurons of large (over 40 p) size in the ventral part of the second and the dorsal part of the third layer. By the graphic reconstruction the intracollicular distribution of these neurons was established. B) Golgi study: The medium-sized to large multipolar radiated neurons were found in the lateral region of the layers corresponding to the distribution area of the above mentioned cells. 3. Golgi-Cox preparation studies of the rat superior colliculus could reveal that the first layer belonged to the allodendritic center and the underlying two layers consisted of isodendritic neurons. Considering such duality of the structure, the possible significance of the colliculus was also discussed.


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