ラビットアイ・ブルーベリーの糖類, 有機酸および遊離アミノ酸


  • ラビットアイ ブルーベリー ノ トウルイ,ユウキサン オヨビ ユウリ アミノサ
  • Studies on the Sugars, Orgranic acids and Free amino acids in the Rabbiteye Blueberries




千葉県農業大学校果樹園, (株)マザー牧場農園で1982年8月に収穫したラビットアイ・ブルーベリーの3品種(ホームベル, ウッダード, ティフブルー)の糖, 有機酸, 遊離アミノ酸の組成および成熟に伴う変化を調べた.ラビットアイ・ブルーベリーの主な糖はフルクトースとグルコースで, 熟果のフルクトース/グルコースの比は1.31〜1.51であった.熟度が進むに従いフルクトースとグルコースはともに増加し, フルクトース/グルコースの比は熟度による変化はほとんどみられなかった.有機酸はほとんどがクエン酸で, 少量のリンゴ酸とキナ酸を含み, 熟度が進むといずれも減少した.遊離アミノ酸はアルギニン, アスパラギン, グルタミン酸, ホスホセリン, γ-アミノ酪酸の含有量が高く, ホームベル, ウッダードがティフブルーより高い傾向がみられた.また熟度によって, 遊離アミノ酸の含有量はほとんど差がなかった.

The compositions of sugars, organic acids and free amino acids and their changes during ripening of the three rabbiteye blueberry cultivars Homebell, Woodard and Tifblue were investigated. The blueberries were harvested in Chiba Prefecture at August, 1982. Fructose and glucose were the dominant sugars in all ripened blueberries and the ratio of fructose/glucose was 1.31-1.51. Citric acid was a major organic acid and small amounts of malic and quinic acids were also contained in the blueberries. As the berry ripen, there was a decrease of the value of acid, while there were the increases of sugar content, the ratio of sugar/acid and fresh weight. The free amino acids which found aboundantly in all cultivars were arginine, asparagine, glutamic acid, phosphoserine and γ-aminobutyric acid. Comparatively larger amounts of free amino acids were found in Homebell and Woodard among three cultivars. The contents of the free amino acids were not so remarkably changed throughout the period of ripening.

source:The technical bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University


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