文化と宗教 : キリスト教と神道


  • ブンカ ト シュウキョウ : キリストキョウ ト シントウ
  • Culture and Religion : Christianity and Shinto



There is a difference of religion behind cultural differences between Japan and the West. Some of the main differences between Christianity and Shinto are monotheism and polytheism, the god-man-nature hierarchy and the nature-god-man hierarchy, the male principle based on reason and order and the female principle based on life and fertility, which lead to the self-assertive attitude of Westerners and the self-negating attitude of the Japanese. In point of ethics, as it is said that Japan has a "shame culture" and the West a "sin culture", the Japanese fear most of all to be estranged from society by putting on shame or dirt, while Westerners fear to be deserted by God through committing a sin. At the bottom of these ideas lie the nomadic life that values obedience to a leader and the rice-farming life that values settlement on the earth respectively.



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