沖縄県離島における若年母親の養育行動 ~ 一般母親との比較 ~


  • Parenting Behaviors of Young Mothers on a Remote Island of Okinawa: A Comparison with Other Mothers
  • オキナワケン リトウ ニ オケル ジャクネン ハハオヤ ノ ヨウイク コウドウ イッパン ハハオヤ ト ノ ヒカク



【研究目的】沖縄県は都道府県別20歳未満女子の出生率が10.6(2005)で全国第1位である。若年出産した母親の問題は様々あるが、こども虐待問題のリスク因子の一つととらえられており、その効果的な支援のあり方が問われている。本研究の目的は、沖縄県離島A市における若年母親の養育行動の特徴を把握し、支援に資することであった。対象は、第1子妊娠時20歳以下でA市に在住する3~6歳児を養育中の母親群36人と3歳児健診受診児の「若年母親」に該当しない一般の母親(対照群)75人である。データ収集は構造化質問紙調査であり、両群の養育行動を比較した。対照群に比べて、若年母親の養育行動には、母親として養育環境を自発的に構成しにくい特徴が窺えた。また、家庭でのしつけの方針が他の人と不一致である者は若年母親に有意に多く、一貫性のない養育行動をとっていることが推測された。一方「こどもを叩く」ことには、両群に有意な差はなかったが、今後はさらに体罰に限らず、放任にも焦点をあてた詳細な検討が必要であろう。また、若年母親の転出・転居が多く、継続的な支援の難しさも浮き彫りになった。若年母親支援のための地域全体として組織的体制づくりの必要性が示唆された。|Okinawa prefecture ranks first in Japan for its high birth rate (10.6/1,000 females is 15~19 years of age population in 2005) among young mothers less than 20 years old. One of the many problems associated with younger childbearing is a high risk of child abuse, which demands the development of effective support systems. The objectives of this study were to investigate characteristics of young mothers’ parenting behaviors in city A on a remote island of Okinawa, and to contribute to a support system. Study subjects were 36 mothers who were younger than 20 years old at first pregnancy and who resided in city A with children aged 3 to 6 years, and as controls 75 other mothers (controls) who brought their children to a 3-year-old health examination and for whom the “young mother” category did not apply. Data were collected from structured survey questionnaires, and parenting behaviors were compared between the groups. Survey results of parenting behaviors implied a trait in which young mothers were less likely to build a nurturing environment as a mother at their own initiative than control mothers. It was also shown that the number of mothers whose discipline principles were different from other family members was significantly higher in the young mothers than in the control mothers, and it is speculated that young mothers demonstrate inconsistent parenting behaviors. While there were no significant differences in “child beating” identified in this study, further detailed investigation focusing not only on corporal punishment but also parental neglect will be necessary. In addition, this study revealed that young mothers tended to move frequently, which would lead to difficulties in providing continuous support to them. Building a regionally organized support system for young mothers was suggested by the study findings.


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