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  • ヒサイ シタ ザイリュウ ガイコクジン ニ オケル サイガイ カンレン ヘルスリテラシー ノ カダイ オヨビ サイガイジ シエン ニ オケル カダイ ニ カンスル シツテキ ケンキュウ
  • Challenges and concerns of disaster-related health literacy among foreign residents in Japan: from the viewpoint of support workers



目的:本研究目的は,被災した在留外国人の災害に関連するヘルスリテラシーにおける課題,および被災した在留外国人の支援における課題を明らかにすることである. 方法:質的記述的研究デザインであり,熊本地震の際に外国人を支援した経験のある対象者8名に対して半構成的面接方法を実施した.支援における課題は,支援者側の要因と環境要因に分けて整理した. 結果: 被災した在留外国人の災害関連ヘルスリテラシーにおける課題は,6 カテゴリ【情報源が限られている】【複雑な日本語を理解できない】【判断材料が乏しい】【危機的状況を乗り切る】【尊厳を保つことが困難】【孤立しやすい】,外国人を支援する際に課題となった支援者側の要因は,3 カテゴリ【平時の業務体制では対応できない】【スタッフの健康管理が困難】【支援の方向性が見いだせない】,外国人を支援する際に障害となった環境要因は,2 カテゴリ【多様性の包摂】【ホットラインの整備】がそれぞれ導き出された. 結論:被災した在留外国人の災害関連ヘルスリテラシーにおける課題として,日本の災害文化を理解し,適切に対処できるよう実践的な減災教育の必要性が示唆された. Aim: This study was performed to outline the challenges associated with disaster-related health literacy of foreign residents and the challenges associated with the support of foreign residents affected by natural disasters in Japan. Methods: Eight adults who provided assistance to foreign residents after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake participated in the study. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews, which were recorded and transcribed for analysis in a qualitative descriptive research design. Analyses were performed using the qualitative inductive method. Results: The health literacy challenges of foreign victims were classified into six categories: “Limited information resources,” “Limited Japanese proficiency,” “Insufficient materials to judge whether information related to natural disasters is reliable,” “Surviving a critical situation,” “Risk of compromised human dignity,” and “Risk of social isolation.” The factors impacting support workers were classified into three categories: “Impossibility of dealing with an emergency under the ordinary business structure,” “Difficulty in health management for support workers,” and “Difficulty in discovering ways to perform disaster relief operations.” In addition, factors related to the environmental effects of a disaster were classified into two categories: “Inclusion and diversity” and “Improvement of emergency hotline system.” Conclusion: Practical education in disaster mitigation is necessary if foreign residents are to understand the culture surrounding disasters in Japan and develop skills to appropriately deal with such events.


  • 保健学研究

    保健学研究 34 1-10, 2021-07




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