A Class Focusing on the Relationship between Local Production for Local Consumption, Seasonal Production for Seasonal Consumption and CO2 Emissions at the Agricultural Department of a High School and its Evaluation

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  • 高等学校農業科における地産地消や旬産旬消と二酸化炭素排出との関係を題材とした授業実践とその評価
  • コウトウ ガッコウ ノウギョウカ ニ オケル チサン チショウ ヤ ジュンサンジュンショウ ト ニサンカ タンソ ハイシュツ ト ノ カンケイ オ ダイザイ ト シタ ジュギョウ ジッセン ト ソノ ヒョウカ
  • コウトウガッコウノウギョウカ ニ オケル チサンチショウ ヤ シュンサンシュウショウ ト ニサンカタンソハイシュツ ト ノ カンケイ ヲ ダイザイ ト シタ ジュギョウジッセン ト ソノ ヒョウカ

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To raise awareness about sustainable food production and consumption, a class focusing on reducing CO2 emissions during food production and transportation was designed and offered to students in the agricultural department of a high school. The concepts incorporated in the class were “local production for local consumption,” “food miles,” and “seasonal production for seasonal consumption.” Changes in student awareness were evaluated by conducting questionnaire surveys before and after the class, by student descriptions completed on class worksheets, and by student impressions of the class. The pre-class questionnaire survey showed that the students’ awareness of the concept “local production for local consumption” was high, whereas prior understanding of the concepts of “food miles” and “seasonal production for seasonal consumption” were lower. The post-class questionnaire survey showed that an increased number of students thought that initiatives promoting local production for local consumption and seasonal production for seasonal consumption were good for the environment. Therefore, the class helped to foster positive attitudes toward environmentally conscious agricultural production and food consumption among the students.





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