Imperium domi militiaeque : A Study of the Legal Authority of the Roman High Magistrates

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  • ローマ帝政成立前後の「インペリウム」 : imperium domi militiaeque をめぐって
  • ローマテイセイ セイリツゼンゴノ インペリウム imperium domi militiaeque オ メグッテ

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The aim of this paper is to clarify how the Romans viewed imperium and to criticize modern scholars’ understanding thereof. It has long been believed that imperium encompassed not only command outside the city of Rome (militiae) but also the authority of the higher magistrates (consuls and praetors) inside the city (domi). However, recent studies show that the authority of the high magistrates were divided into domi and militiae by the qualities of the tasks (civil or military, respectively) they took, not by the place in which they were located (in- or outside Rome), and, moreover, that imperium was simply military command and not a civil authority of high magistracies. In this paper, focusing on the Romans’ descriptions of imperium and comitia centuriata, I assert that the Romans regarded imperium as the strong power of the higher magistrates, including military and civil authority, and that they had no clear distinction between domi and militiae which, as modern scholars have considered, divided the tasks of the magistrates in both the territorial and functional sense.


  • 人文

    人文 (16), 27-47, 2018-03


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