Basic Study on Picture Books Themed on Taikōki in the Mid-19th Century

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  • 幕末維新期における太閤記物の 切附本・絵本類の基礎的研究
  • バクマツ イシンキ ニ オケル タイコウキブツ ノ セツフ ホン ・ エホンルイ ノ キソテキ ケンキュウ

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太閤記物の流行は文化元(一八〇四)年に読本『絵本太閤記』が絶版を命じられたことで一時期下火になるが、幕末維新期に再び隆盛し、『絵本太閤記』の影響を受けた錦絵や切附本が次々と出版された。近年は武者絵や太閤記研究の進展により、幕末維新期に出版された太閤記物の切附本・絵本類に関して言及される機会が増えている。しかしながら、巻数や出版年といった基本事項さえも不明なものがあり、幕末の太閤記物を網羅的に把握することは容易ではない。 そこで本稿では、幕末維新期における太閤記物の全貌の把握を目指して、太閤記物の切附本・絵本類の書誌調査を行った結果をまとめる。また、ゆるやかな括りで時期や版元別に作品を分析することで、その形態的特徴や傾向を明らかにする。 まず、嘉永・安政期(一八四八~五九)頃の作は版元未詳であることが多く、形態や版面様式は多様であるが、基本的には漢字仮名交じりの本文で、見開き一~四丁毎に挿絵が入るという典型的な切附本の様式に基づいて作られている。つづいて、万延元年~明治三(一八六〇~七〇)年頃は、山口屋藤兵衛や吉田屋文三郎・藤岡屋慶次郎が典型的な切附本の様式で太閤記物を出版しており、秀吉による天下統一以前の物語を端的に抄録している。また、小田原屋弥七は各丁に武者の絵と略歴とを記した銘々伝形式の切附本を出版しており、慶応元(一八六五)年頃からは、伊勢屋庄之助や文久堂、大和屋喜兵衛、加賀屋吉兵衛、丸屋鉄次郎、大島屋伝右衛門による全丁絵入りの切附本が増えている。 上方の切附本・講談読み物に関しては、網羅的な調査の過程で文精堂の切附本を数点確認できた他、藤屋菊治郎が全丁彩色入りの絵本を出版していることが明らかになった。 全体を俯瞰すると、幕末維新期における太閤記物の切附本・絵本類の版面様式は多岐に渡ることが確認でき、ジャンルとしての統一性は見出しにくい。しかし、江戸では慶応期頃から山口屋藤兵衛を筆頭に、軍記や仇討物のシリーズ化が進み、シリーズ化に伴い一作の丁数が減るという傾向が見出せる。また、明治期には全丁絵入りの切附本が増え、歌川芳虎やその門下の浮世絵師が活躍している。幕末維新期の切附本・絵本類の流れを汲む太閤記物は明治十(一八七七)年以降にも見出せ、太閤記を題材にした錦絵の出版も踏まえるならば、太閤記物の流行が広範囲に及んでいたことを指摘できる。 This paper presents a basic study on picture books published around the mid-19th century themed on Taikōki (biography of Toyotomi Hideyoshi), in particular, picture books called kiritsukebon. Kiritsukebon refers to inexpensive picture books for the mass audience published from the end of the Edo period to the early Meiji era. As the popularity of Taikōki-themed works grew from approximately 1864 to 1872, kiritsukebon themed on Taikōki were published by many booksellers. However, there are many unclear points regarding the actual state of the production of Taikōki-themed works, their distribution, and how they were accepted as they were developed in various media. This paper examines the bibliography of Taikōki-themed kiritsukebon and picture books with the aim of elucidating the overall picture of Taikōki-themed works in the mid-19th century as an ultimate goal and analyzes these works by publication year and bookseller to clarify the characteristics of their forms and styles. From 1848 to1859, works in various form were produced by unknown booksellers, as well as by Kikuya Kozaburo. They were generally made in the typical kiritsukebon style, and the text is a mixture of kanji and kana. One picture is printed on every one to four double-page spread. From 1860 to 1870, Taikōki-themed works in a typical kiritsukebon style were published by Yamaguchiya Tobei, Yoshidaya Bunzaburo and Fujiokaya Keijiro. Odawaraya Yashichi also published picture books in the meimeiden style (a format with a portrait and brief biography of a famous warrior on each double-page spread). Starting around 1865, more books were published with pictures on all double-page spreads by booksellers such as Iseya Shonosuke, Bunkyudo, Yamatoya Kihei, Kagaya Kichibei, Maruya Tetsujiro, and Oshimaya Den-emon. It is confirmed from exhaustive bibliographic research that kiritsukebon was published by Bunsheido, and a full-page colored picture book by Fujiya Kikujiro was sold at booksellers in Kyoto and Osaka. The forms and styles of Taikōki-themed works from the end of the Edo period to the early Meiji era are diverse, and it is difficult to find uniformity as a single genre. It is observed that the number of pages of each work tended to decrease as the serialization of war stories and revenge stories started to become more popular starting in about 1865. In the Meiji era, booksellers published more kiritsukebon with pictures on all double-page spreads. These works were drawn by Utagawa Yoshitora and his school of ukiyo-e painters under the influence of Ehon Taikōki (Picture Books of Hideyoshi, by Takeuchi Kakusai, 1797-1802). The kiritsukebon style is found even after 1877. Nishiki-e themed on Taikōki were also published around this time, indicating the widespread popularity of Taikōki-themed works.


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