

  • Recent development of a gravel bar in the alluvial-fan reach of the mid-Arakawa, Central Japan: Responses of fluvial geomorphic system to natural and man-induced environmental changes
  • アラカワ チュウリュウブ センジョウチ カドウ ニ オケル キンネン ノ サレキタイ ノ ハッタツ : シゼンテキ ・ ジンイテキ カンキョウ ヘンカ ニ タイスル カセン チケイ システム ノ オウトウ




Gravel-bars were formed at a point in the alluvial fan of mid-Arakawa, where river-bed degradation continued in some reaches even after the formal finish of gravel mining in 1970. I intend to reconstruct the processes of gravel-bar development on the basis of detailed stratigraphic observation of gravelly deposits and the reference of official discharge records. I distinguished 9 gravel beds which seem to correspond to respective flood events while 13 large and small floods were recorded since 1970 at a river gauge about 15km upstream. Each gravel bed was correlated with single flood event based mainly on the magnitude and time sequence of floods. A pen included in one of the gravel beds provided a useful key of correlation because its date of manufacture was known. The correlation enabled the interpretation of the effects of man-made structures on fluvial processes. For example, the exposure of the Aketo-siphon, which was buried in bedrock in 1939, exposed around 1970 as a consequence of retrogressive down cutting induced by gravel mining and affected the river bed in the following two ways. In the downstream reach, very localized incision at the foot of the siphon produced gravelly sediments from the bedrock exposed in the incised reach. In the upstream reach, the exposed siphon acted as a local base of erosion and induced about 2m lowering of riverbed which made the seawall near or part of the dam body of the Rokuseki-headworks unstable. The unstabilized structures were destroyed by the floods in 1981 and 1986 and the fragments were transported downstream. Both gravelly sediments produced in the incised reach lower than the Aketo-Siphon and the concrete fragments provided from the Rokuseki section were included in the gravel bed sediment at the observation point. Increase of depositional trend since around 1980 in the middle fan reaches lower than the observation point promoted the increase of underflow and resulted in the decrease of surface flow. The situation affected the growth of vegetation on the gravel bars. The recent development of landforms in and around the river channel of the mid-Arakawa is thus interpreted as a response of fluvial system to natural and man-induced impacts.


  • 地域研究

    地域研究 54 (1・2), 16-28, 2014-03-25


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