The Consciousness of University Students in Kagoshima Prefecture Towaed Kushikino Shopping Districts

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  • 串木野商店街に対する鹿児島県内の大学生の意識
  • クシキノ ショウテンガイ ニ タイスル カゴシマ ケンナイ ノ ダイガクセイ ノ イシキ

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I conducted a questionnaire survey of university students in Kagoshima. After that, I analyzed the consciousness of university students toward Kushikino Shopping Districts. As a result of the analysis, the existence of the shopping districts was hardly recognized. Therefore, the number of users in the shopping districts was very small. However, the image of the shopping street was good. In the future, it will be necessary to promote the shopping districts and products.


  • Regional studies

    Regional studies 49 (2), 1-11, 2022-03-30


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