

  • An Reexamination of Nizyounomiya in "Sakuzennzikuyou" of Makuranosousi
  • 『 マクラノソウシ 』 「 セキゼンジ クヨウ 」 ダン ノ 「 ニジョウキュウ 」 ノ サイケントウ



The section entitled “Sakuzennzi” in Makuranosousi describes the prosperity of Tyuukannpaku’ s family. Tyuuguu returned from the royal palace to Nizyounomiya on February 21, the fifth year of syouryaku, when the Buddhist service was held at Jisonji Temple. Nizyounomiya is the actual residence of Mititaka at the season of buddhist activities at the Jisonji Temple, as documented in journals such as Nihonnkiryaku and Syouyuuki. The location of the Nizyounomiya can be roughly inferred from these resources. However, the annotated version of Makuranosousi follows the propositions by Tuoda Humie, Hagitaniboku and Masudasigeo that Tyuuguu is equal to 二条北宫. Investigations indicate Isida Zyouzi's claim needs further discussion although it is not widely accepted. This paper reexamines the location of Nizyounomiya and that of the Yisyuu Mansion, mentioned in the papers by Masuda and Tunoda, and clarifies the exact location of Mititaka's mansion.


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