微小重力環境を利用した固体燃焼現象研究 (H21研究班WG報告)
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- Solid Combustion Research in Microgravity(2009 Research WG Report
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第26回宇宙利用シンポジウム(2010年1月25日-26日, 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部相模原キャンパス)
The Twenty-sixth Space Utilization Symposium (January 25-26, 2010: ISAS/JAXA Sagamihara, Japan)
Since solid combustion is dominated by diffusion process of pyrolyzed gas as well as heat balance around combustion area, flammability limit becomes very different depending on the gravitational conditions. In the present work, the attempt to obtain ignition limit for overloaded electric wire and extinction limits for spreading flame over flat sheet has been made under the limit of 4.5 sec microgravity time provided by MGLAB. According to the experiments, it is found that the flammable limits, ignition and extinction limits, significantly extend in microgravity in comparison with those in normal gravity.
形態: カラー図版あり
共催: 日本学術会議
Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations
joint hosting: The Science Council of Japan
資料番号: AA0064730020
- 宇宙利用シンポジウム = Space Utilization Research: Proceedings of Space Utilization Symposium
宇宙利用シンポジウム = Space Utilization Research: Proceedings of Space Utilization Symposium 26 2010-02
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050011086241680640
- NII Article ID
- 120006830411
- NII Book ID
- AN10324210
- Web Site
- http://id.nii.ac.jp/1696/00013161/
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- conference paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles