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  • A Study of Compound Verbs with the Aspectual Meaning “End of the Event”
  • シュウリョウ オ アラワス フクゴウテキ ナ ドウシ ニ ツイテ




In this paper I have studied eight compound verbs; Shi-owaru, Shi-oeru, Shiyamu, Shi-agaru, Shi-ageru, Shi-kiru, Shi-tsukusu, and Shi-hateru. These verbs have been analyzed for the reason that they all convey some aspect of an end of the event. I analyzed them from the perspective of termination to discern between the eight verbs. The results of the analysis show that although all the eight verbs have the common meaning of an end of the event, they can be divided into two groups. (1) Shi-owaru, Shi-oeru and Shi-yamu do not only convey the meaning of an end of the event, but also convey the phase of the event These verbs allude to other phases like Shi-hajimeru and Shi-tsuzukeru. (2) Shi-agaru, Shiageru, Shi-kiru, Shi-tsukusu and Shi-hateru, on the other hand carry both the notion of an end of the event, and an idea of how the event is terminated. Each of these five compound verbs has several different meanings, depending on the character of the preceding verb component.



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