御差図扣(Osashizu Hikae)

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  • Reminder of Official Instructions
  • ゴ サズコウ(Osashizu Hikae)



Part of the so-called Rinsei Hassho, Osashizu Hikae has 14 provisions in total, in length it sits beside the 8-provision Somayama Soubakari Joujou and the 13-provision Yamabugyousho Kimochou Shitsugi. In terms of what can be extracted from the provisions of Osashizu Hikae, the somayama appear to be in a state of decline, with countermeasures required in the context of violations in areas of goyouboku, shipbuilding lumber, sugar barrel material, firewood and the like. It also contains provisions related to afforestation, focusing on the strengthening of forest administration from the central Yamabugyousho based in Shuri down to the administrative structure of magiri officials. In terms of the most limited forest resources, for more effective wood use large trees were prohibited from being used in the construction of kurifune, with hollow trees designated as replacement material. Additionally, the planting of forests so as to secure sufficient goyouboku in the future was carried out. Since the growth of pure Inumaki forests had not been successful it was recommended that Inumaki be more appropriately planted in forests of other broad-leaf trees. With regard to plates of wood for parts of sugar barrels, various types of trees had been used. With the depletion of the somayama. however, it was recommended that Sendan forests be planted for the purpose but left for 7-8 years before the lumber could be used. Of most attention in the provisions of Osashizu Hikae are tree management practices. In future, good trees with the right lineage to eventually become ready for Royal Government use, wherever they might be found, will be tagged and then recorded in the Goyoubokuchou. These ledgers will be administered at the central Yamabugyousho and the magiri bansho. The resource management of useful trees throughout all of Ryukyu was carried out based on this system. Even today, a ledger called a Shinrinbo is used to record detailed information for the purpose of forest resource administration, not dissimilar to the kind of information recorded in the Goyoubokuchou.



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