初年次教育「保職基礎演習」と2年間の総括としての「保育・教職実践演習」のFD的効果の分析 -授業担当教員による設計に注目して-


  • An Analysis of Effects in terms of Faculty Development of “Early Child Care Education: Basic Seminar” for the First Year Experience and “Practical Seminar for the Child Care and Teaching Profession” as a Summary of Learnings in Two Years : Focusing on the lesson design written by the instructors who conduct the lesson




In this paper, we focus on the courses, “Early Child Care Education: Basic Seminar” and “Practical Seminar for the Child Care and Teaching Profession,” which are held in the Department of Early Childhood Care and Education at Takamatsu Junior College. These courses are taken over by all the instructors (professors, assistant professors etc.) in the Department. And the purpose of this paper is to reveal how these courses effect those instructors. We collect the lesson design data which were written by each instructor and analyze them. As a result, we find that these courses make instructors aware of the student issues and curriculum issues, of the property of the topics which are going to be taught in the lesson, and of their own specialties through the process of designing the lesson. And these effects can develop instructors’ awareness as teacher educators and advance the collaborative system in the department.


  • 研究紀要

    研究紀要 68 1-19, 2017-09-30


詳細情報 詳細情報について

