Research for interprofessional relations as terminal care : Focusing on gaps of evaluations between nurses, care and welfare professions
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- ターミナルケアにおける職種間関係の考察 : 看護職・介護職・福祉職の間の認識の齟齬に注目して
- ターミナルケア ニ オケル ショクシュ カン カンケイ ノ コウサツ : カンゴショク ・ カイゴショク ・ フクシショク ノ アイダ ノ ニンシキ ノ ソゴ ニ チュウモク シテ
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This paper focuses on gaps as the relations of evaluations against the professions with same occupation with those by two professions with different occupations and those against them between nurses, care and welfare professions as terminal care. For example, interprofessional communications(environment where it is easy to communication and information sharing with each expertise), support based on wills of users and family care givers, one to put user’s need first and necessity of medical knowledge are analyzed. The results are as follows. The gaps that professions with same occupation approach more enough than those with another ones with different occupation as interprofessional communications and putting need of user exist first exist between nurses and care professions. On one hand, the same kind of gaps as guessing user’s will are between nurses and care professions, care and welfare professions. In addition, the same kind of gaps as eliciting desires from family exist between care and welfare professions. Further more, the ratio of opinion that they are not sure to what extent professions with different occupation support users and family care givers exist among nurses and care professions. As necessity of upgrading medical knowledge, more professions with different occupations agree strongly against care and welfare professions than nurses.
- Shimane journal of policy studies
Shimane journal of policy studies 44 27-49, 2022-11-11
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050013087467308928
- NII Book ID
- AA11551329
- 032546154
- 13463829
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search