内村鑑三とその時代(5) ―内村の無教会主義対植村の教会主義―


  • Kanzo Uchimura and His Time(5) ― Uchimuraʼs Non-Churchism versus Uemuraʼs Ecclesiasticism ―
  • ウチムラ カンゾウ ト ソノ ジダイ(5)ウチムラ ノ ムキョウカイ シュギ タイ ウエムラ ノ キョウカイ シュギ




This article deals with the formation of Uchimura’s Non-Churchism( =無教会 主義) from 1901 to his death in 1930 and also clarifies its significance and influence on Christianity. Uchimura’s features of Non-Churchism consists in Biblical infallibility, a creed of redemption, resurrection and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, anticlericalism, laicism, anti-ritualism and anti-institutional church. Uchimura’s Non- Churchism had a strong impact on the Japanese protestant churches and also incurred strong opposition. Especially Masahisa Uemura−a most influential protestant leader−objected to Non-Churchism and regarded it as anarchism and extreme individualism in Christianity. He insisted on the importance of institutional church and devoted to establish national church. Although the two christian leader’s concept of the church seems in opposition, the two have some commonality, that is the spiritual truth of the body of Christ, the guidance of Holy Spirit and the common fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ. While Uchimura regarded the institutional church and clericalism as incompatible with the truth of the invisible church, Uemura promoted the unification of various denominations and tried to establish the Kingdom of God in Japan on the basis of protestant churches. On the other hand, Uchimura was sure that the fullfillment of the Kingdom of God would become possible only with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.


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