バタイユ、ひとりきりの ――フィリップ・ソレルスとジョルジュ・バタイユ――


  • Bataille, Alone ―― Philippe Sollers and Georges Bataille ――
  • バタイユ ヒトリキリ ノ フィリップ ソレルス ト ジョルジュ・バタイユ




This article is a translation into Japanese of « Bataille, seul : Entretien avec Stéphane Massonet pour la revue Europe » and gives a small comment about it. According to Sollers, all works of Bataille, including his theory about eroticism, death, sacrifice, laugh and expenditure, prove "the practice of joy in front of death". Sollers estimates negatively the influences of Kojève and Blanchot on the thoughts of Bataille, for the latter was an anti-fascist and anti-totalitarian before the Second World War. If it is just that Hegel qualified the French Revolution as a "maintaining of the work of death", then the writings of Bataille are also "maitaining of the work of death" and would be qualified as revolutionary. Sollers describes emotionally the handshake between Breton and Bataille in the last year of the latter.

小山尚之: 東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋政策文化学部門

Naoyuki KOYAMA: Department of Marine Policy and Culture, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT)


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