Masaoka Shiki's Classical Research and His Return to Haiku Composing : Focusing on Basho's Haiku and Shofu Haikai

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  • 正岡子規の古典研究と俳句実作への還元 : 芭蕉句および蕉風俳諧を中心に
  • マサオカ シキ ノ コテン ケンキュウ ト ハイク ジツサク エ ノ カンゲン : バショウク オヨビ ショウフウハイカイ オ チュウシン ニ

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This paper discusses the facts and implications of Masaoka Shiki's seemingly contradictory views on ancient haiku and aiming for his haiku innovation. Shiki strove for his haiku innovation, but he did not advocate abandoning all the past haikai traditions. In "Haikai Taiyo," Shiki recommended the same number of haiku books, especially those related to Buson, such as "Buson Kushu," and those related to Basho and Shofu haikai, such as "Haikai Shichibushu." In other words, it is possible that he drew on his own policy of reforming haiku from Basho's haiku and Shofu haikai, which the old school uncritically revered. The author believes that there are two reasons why Shiki recommended reading these works. The first reason is that he found the possibility of creating "novelty" haiku in the two outlooks that he observed from Basho's haiku and Shofu haikai. That viewpoint is, firstly, the attitude of wandering through the hills and fields and gathering plans from "Zouka" as the world. Next, it is the approach of observing things from "Zouka" as they are and expressing them in words. The second reason is that Shiki valued these compositions as models for his actual works.


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