舞踊作品「盅碗舞」からみる文化の受容と形成 : 中華人民共和国建国後のモンゴル民族の舞台芸術の形成を中心に

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  • Viewing the Acceptance and Formation of Culture from the Dance Work "Cups and Bowls Dance" : Focusing on the Formation of Mongolian ethnic group's Performing Arts after the Founding of the People's Republic of China
  • ブヨウ サクヒン 「 チュウワン マイ 」 カラ ミル ブンカ ノ ジュヨウ ト ケイセイ : チュウカ ジンミン キョウワコク ケンコク ゴ ノ モンゴル ミンゾク ノ ブタイ ゲイジュツ ノ ケイセイ オ チュウシン ニ



This paper examines the experience and dance of Modegema, an Inner Mongolian dancer who became famous in China in the early 1960s under the name of "Cups and Bowls Dance", and discusses the acceptance and formation of Mongolian People's Republic culture in Mongolian ethnic group's dance works. Although it is generally explained that the "Cups and Bowls Dance" originated from the folk dance in the Ordos region of Inner Mongolia, Modegema mentioned that it is also related to the dance of the People's Republic of Mongolia. This study also focuses on the process by which the dancers from the People's Republic of Mongolia taught dance education to Inner Mongolia in the mid-1950s. In addition, it investigates the art and culture of the People's Republic of Mongolia, especially the characteristics of folk dance and their influence on the performing arts of Inner Mongolia according to the historical facts.


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