The Meaning of Well-Being in WHO Definition of Health and Spiritual Pain: Aristotle’s Definition of ‘telos’ and ‘good’, and the Nature of Human Deeds


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  • WHOの「健康」の定義におけるWell-Beingの意味とスピリチュアル・ペイン -- アリストテレスのテロスと善の定義と人間の行為の性質

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‘Well-being’ can be defined as the fulfillment of ‘telos’ which each of all existing things has. The corelations of telos of things are complex and good and evil happen simultaneously when telos of things collide with one another. In order to achieve and help the fulffillment of telos of things which are thought to help humans live better and more easily in this world, human beings select seemingly better actions and caryy out those acts. Because the relations of telos of different things and telos of the levels which construct each thing are very complex, it is impossible for any human being to have the entire picture of the good and choose only good actions. This causes humans feel various kinds of pain. To underatand the nature of pains humans experience, spiritual level needs to be differentiated frorm mental level.


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