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- カリキュラム ・ マネジメント ノ アリカタ ニ オケル カダイ : ソウゴウ ガクシュウ オ ショウテン ト スル コト デ アキラカ ニ ナル モノ
- A Challenge for the Vision about Curriculum Management —What is Getting a New Insight by Focus on Integrated Studies ("SOUGOUTEKINA GAKUSYU NO JIKAN" in Japanese)—
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The Purpose of this study is to clarify the problem of thinking about curriculum management by focusing on integrated studies ("SOUGOUTEKINA GAKUSYU NO JIKAN" in Japanese) .The School independence and cross-curricular perspectives are the keys to thinking about curriculum management in the curriculum development of integrated studies. That is symbolized by the claims of Central Council for Education (₂₀₁₆), but previous studies about curriculum management have simply accepted those claims.However, those previous studies don't fully understand the history of curriculum management. In other words, it is necessary to learn not only the curriculum studies from educational administration research but also from educational methodology and sociology of education accumulation about curriculum development, curriculum making principles and school culture.
- 広島女学院大学幼児教育心理学科研究紀要
広島女学院大学幼児教育心理学科研究紀要 7 13-24, 2021-03-13