ブルー&グリーンアートプロジェクト2022と地域文化創造の実践的研究サステナブルデザインと「海を巡るファッションの旅 Step By Step」を事例として


  • A Practical Study of the Blue and Green Art Project 2022: A Case Study of Sustainable Design and Exhibition “A Fashion Journey Through the Sea: Step By Step”


本論は2020年から本年まで実施してきたブルー&グリーンアートプロジェクトについて、その前提となったアグリアート・フェスティバルにおける活動との関係を踏まえながら、SDGsにコミットしつつ、海と陸をつなげて地域活性化や地域における開発についての活動であるシンポジウムや作品展に焦点を当てたものである。 特に、2022年度に実施したシンポジウムなどに触発されて実施した作品展「海を巡るファッションの旅」における作品について考察を加えた。サステナブルデザインのために、日本の伝統的な服飾及び染織技法である裂織・つづれ、裂編、パッチワーク及び草木染めに取り組んだ。また、廃棄される前に厚生労働省から提供されたマスクやビーチクリーンで取得した漂着物である牡蠣パイプなどのアップサイクルを行なった。 海や陸の環境問題を自分の問題として来場者が感じられるように、裂織のワークショップも開催した。短い期間であったが、今後の活動への礎として表現者側への効果があったとともに、来場者への意識啓発に役立ったと言える。

This paper focuses on the Blue & Green Art Project, which has been implemented from 2020 to the present, in relation to the Agri-Art Festival, which was the premise of the project, and its activities on regional revitalization and development.The project focuses on symposiums and exhibitions of artworks, which are activities about regional revitalization and development by connecting the sea and land, while committing to the SDGs. In particular, the report discusses the works in the exhibition "A Journey of Fashion through the Sea," which was inspired by the symposium held in March 2022. For sustainable design, we will focus on the traditional Japanese clothing and dyeing and weaving techniques. The project focused on traditional Japanese clothing and dyeing techniques such as sakiori, tsuzure, saki-knitting, patchwork, and herb-dyeing for sustainable design. The project also included the upcycling of masks provided by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare before they were discarded, as well as oyster pipes and other flotsam collected from beach cleanups. The project also upcycled masks provided by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare before they were discarded and oyster pipes that had washed ashore from beach cleanups. A sakiori weaving workshop was also held to help visitors feel the environmental issues of the sea and land as their own problems. The event was short-lived, but we hope that future activities will be more active and it was effective in raising awareness among the visitors as well as the organizers as a foundation for future activities.


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