後期水戸学における「教育」の含意について : その近代「教育」概念の基層としての意味合い

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  • コウキ ミトガク ニ オケル「キョウイク」ノ ガンイ ニ ツイテ : ソノ キンダイ「キョウイク」ガイネン ノ キソウ トシテノ イミアイ
  • Kōki Mitogaku ni okeru "kyōiku" no gan'i ni tsuite : sono kindai kyōiku gainen no kisō toshiteno imiai
  • The implication of "education" in the works of late Mito studies : its historical meaning as a substratum of the modern concept of "education"

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In this paper, the author searched for examples of the word "education" in pre-modern Japan in various writings of the so-called Mito Studies. As a result, it was confirmed that there are abundant examples of the use of the word "education" in the writings of Aizawa Seishisai, a central figure in Mito Studies. The abundant examples of the use of the word "education" in Seishisai's writings suggest that he had constructed a system of thought that could be called "educational thought" within his own sphere of thought. Furthermore, it is possible to recognize that his perception of "education" was the origin of the modern Japanese perception of education symbolized by the "Imperial Rescript on Education", that is, the perception of education as an activity that contributes to the perpetuation of the Imperial State Japan.

特集 : 教育学特集号 寄稿論文


  • 哲學

    哲學 150 115-141, 2023-03


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