An Introduction to Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Treatment!

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  • 固有受容性神経筋促通療法の紹介!

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Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a valuable technique used for the treatment of patients who have lost voluntary control of their bodies and need rehabilitation to regain control of their movements. Although now this treatment procedure is known and used worldwide, when it was fi rst developed over 70 years ago, it was a totally new and startling concept. It consists of an intricate and complicated program, and detailed instruction is required to truly develop an effective therapeutic outcome. Good knowledge of normal movement, human anatomy, neurophysiology, and kinesiology is also a prerequisite to learning this therapeutic program. After a therapist has received actual hands-on training and experience, PNF can be a very effective and effi cient for treating patients with many different conditions, such as, neurological diseases, physical trauma, and orthopedic symptoms. The fi nal treatment goal is to reach the highest functional degree and amount of independence for each individual patient. In this review of the PNF therapeutic techniques, the basic principles, patient evaluation, treatment basics, treatment goals, PNF patterns, patient positioning, and therapeutic techniques are described. This variety of approaches helps patients recover and become independent. Many books have been written and published, and a few are included in the bibliography, including one in Japanese.


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