開講科目における合格率と難易度との関係 ー戦略的高等教育のための試論ー


  • Relation between Acceptance Rate and the Degree of Difficulty in Start Subjects
  • 開講科目における合格率と難易度との関係 : 戦略的高等教育のための試論 : 戦略文化と政治思想に関する学術的研究
  • カイコウ カモク ニ オケル ゴウカクリツ ト ナンイド ト ノ カンケイ : センリャクテキ コウトウ キョウイク ノ タメ ノ シロン : センリャク ブンカ ト セイジ シソウ ニ カンスル ガクジュツテキ ケンキュウ



The tuition’s degree of difficulty in a university is often grasped by the acceptance rate. However, the tuition’s degree of difficulty based on the distribution of the grading is more suitable than that based on the tuition’s acceptance rate. In this paper, I define the degree of difficulty index(DDI), which makes the maximum 4, based on a grade point average. Further, a relation between this and the acceptance rate was considered. The results are as follows. First, the higher the acceptance rate is, the lower the DDI is. Second, the DDI’s range increased with an increase in the acceptance rate


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