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  • Can We Build a "Stealth Car" that Continuously Fools LiDAR-Based Object Detection?


完全自動運転の実用化に向けて様々な技術開発が進められている.自動運転車はカメラや LiDAR などの車載センサによる周辺状況の計測にもとづき車両や歩行者等を認識し,必要な制御を行い走行する.一方で車載センサの計測プロセスに影響を与えるような攻撃の存在が指摘されている.本稿では,首都高速道路データの複数の連続したシーンにおいて, 車載 LiDAR の出力である点群を部分的に欠損させることにより連続したシーンで物体検出を誤らせることができることをシミュレーションで示す.また赤外線カットフィルムを車両へ貼付することで,点群を意図的に欠損させ車両検出を誤らせることができることを示す.これらにより,完全自動運転の実用化に当たっては,このような攻撃への対処を検討することが必要であることを明らかにする.

Various technologies are being developed toward the practical application of fully automated driving. Automated driving vehicles recognize cars, pedestrians, and other objects based on instrumentation of the surrounding environment by onboard sensors such as cameras and LiDARs and perform the necessary control to drive. On the other hand, it has been pointed out that there are attacks that can affect the measurement process of onboard sensors. In this study, we show by simulation that it is possible to mislead the object detection by partially missing the point cloud output of the in-vehicle LiDAR in several consecutive scenesin the data taken form the Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo. We also demonstrate that a physical spoofing attack, such as attaching an infrared cut film to the target vehicle, can cause the intended point cloud missing. These results indicate that it is necessary to consider dealing with such physical spoofing attacks in the practical application of fully automated driving.


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