

  • Analysis of Job-Housing Distribution by Personal Attributes Based on Person Trip Surveys
  • パーソントリップ チョウサ カラ ミタ ゾクセイ ベツ ノ ショクジュウブンプ トクセイ ノ ブンセキ



This analysis evaluates the features of the Job-Housing Distribution according to personal attributes, such as age and household type, using the gravity model. This strategy allows controlling factors other than commuting distance. The authors utilized person-trip data because it provides commuting information within a smaller area than the local government zone. Its results clarified that the preference for a specific job-housing distance differs among generations and household types. First, single individuals of all ages working in the central city prefer shorter job-housing distances. Also, younger single adults tend to live in higher land price areas. On the other hand, among central city workers living with more than two household members, men aged 35-49 choose shorter commuting distances. However, men over 50 prefer to separate the workplace from their homes.


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