Proposal for a practical stability assessment model for cut slopes leading to the evaluation of disaster immunity

IR (HANDLE) Open Access

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  • 災害免疫力の算定に繋がる切土のり面の実用的な安定度評価モデルの提案


The author's group is attempting to evaluate the differences in disaster immunity in engineering practice for each region based on a new concept of 'disaster immunity' in order to reflect the past rainfall and earthquake history and the characteristics of local soil ground that change over time, targeting climate change disaster vulnerable areas with volcanic ash soils and weathered residual soils ground. /  From this perspective, this paper examines a framework for expressing the stability of slopes as a probability distribution that changes over time and the key outcome is characterized by reflecting the geometric characteristics of the stratigraphy inside the cut slope in the stability evaluation index presented by NEXCO.


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  • Article Type
    conference paper
  • Data Source
    • IRDB

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