

  • Preference Aware Route Recommendation Based on Geo-tagged Tweets




The COVID-19 infection has attracted attention to the density and mobility of people, and other mobility-related technologies, such as MaaS and 5G, have also attracted attention. We have been studying the use of geo-tagged tweets to identify densely populated areas, and in this paper we propose an extended method. A geo-tagged tweet is georeferenced information that indicates the geographical origin of a tweet. Geo-tagged tweets provide an excellent opportunity to understand the underlying user behavior. We propose a preference-aware route recommendation method relying on a large number of tweets over a 3 years English and Japanese tweets. The method can recommend routes based on user preference by extracting a subset of geo-tagged tweets according to user preference and using that subset to generate a cost function for route discovery. The proposed method assumes that areas with a high density of geo-tagged tweets are areas of high interest. In other words, if the density of geo-tagged tweets with user preference is superimposed on the cost of the route search, the users' preference can be considered when recommending a route. We highlight a coastal, sunrise/sunset views, and vibrant at night route recommendation mechanism for a case study of our method. For the preference to go coastal road, we use hashtags, and for the preference to go vibrant route at night, we use a subset extracted from nighttime tweets. Our proposed method can also use external data as a cost, and nighttime light data is also used as a cost for route recommendation.


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