戦後1950年代における北西ドイツの地域経済と地域経済支援政策(1) : ノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州のオストヴェストファーレン計画を中心にして


  • センゴ 1950ネンダイ ニ オケル ホクセイ ドイツ ノ チイキ ケイザイ ト チイキ ケイザイ シエン セイサク(1) : ノルトライン ・ ヴェストファーレンシュウ ノ オストヴェストファーレン ケイカク オ チュウシン ニ シテ
  • Structural Change of the Regional Economy and State Support Policies from the Postwar Period to the 1950s in Northwest Germany(part 1) : East Westfalen and Its Development Program in Nordrhein-Westfalen



This paper discusses the process and significance of the regional economic policy promoted by the Nordrhein-Westfalen state government in northwest Germany through the Ostwestfalenplan in the 1950s. After World War II, many displaced persons and refugees from Eastern Europe migrated in massive numbers to occupied areas in the west, and after 1949 into West Germany, so that these regions in Germany was confronted with various social and economic problems, especially the problem of unemployment. While federal and state governments usually extended emergency aid to deal with unemployment during the postwar period, the state government of Nordrhein-Westfalen planned to create employment opportunities by preparing public infrastructure investments on the one hand and offering favorable credit terms for industrial business and plants on the other in the agricultural or historically weak structural region of eastern Westfalen. The idea and practice of regional economic support policies suggests how the program could change and improve the structure of the regional economy and society. This part of the paper outlines the questions and conditions of the regional economy and thereafter discusses the circumstances and process of policy-making.


  • 彦根論叢

    彦根論叢 (第436号), 20-35, 2023-07-31

    滋賀大学 経済学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

