日中陶磁器業近代化の契機に関する比較考察 : 万国博覧会出展をめぐって

機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Comparative Study of the Catalysts for the Modernization of the Chinese and Japanese Porcelain Industry : The Case of Participation in World Exhibitions
  • ニッチュウ トウジキギョウ キンダイカ ノ ケイキ ニ カンスル ヒカク コウサツ : バンコク ハクランカイシュツテン オ メグッテ



This article is a comparative study of the modernization of the porcelain industry in China and Japan. Both countries have a long history of porcelain production, but from the latter half of the 19th century, the development of the porcelain industry in these two countries took very different paths. In general, China's modernization of the porcelain industry lagged behind Japan by about 30 years. The author regards that this was because, compared to Japan, the Chinese government at the time did not effectively capitalize on the opportunities created by international exhibitions. The specific reason lies in the different social environments, which resulted in Chinese leaders at the time not having the same level of understanding of exhibitions as their Japanese counterparts. This article will primarily rely on diplomatic documents left by the Qing government and records of participation in exhibitions compiled during the Meiji period to provide a detailed analysis of this issue.


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