The Role of Gaze in Speakership Negotiations in Online Video Meetings

HANDLE Open Access

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Other Title
  • オンラインビデオ会話における話者性の交渉に視線配布が果たす役割


Participants' gaze is one of the most effective resources for negotiating "speakership" in a conversation-who can, should, and actually does take a turn to speak at a given moment. Though participants can see in which direction their interlocuter(s) is looking vis-a-vis the camera, it is extremely difficult to tell who is looking at whom in online video meetings. The purpose of this study is to describe how gaze distribution functions in online video conversations to negotiate speakership. Following the data analysis, we identified two key characteristics: (1) Speakers typically avert their gaze from the camera just before initiating their turns, and (2) when a participant is holding a speakership, both the speaker and the hearers continue to maintain their gaze towards the camera. It is proposed that participants in online video meetings employ gaze distribution differently than those in face-to-face conversations.


Details 詳細情報について

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  • Article Type
    conference paper
  • Data Source
    • IRDB

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