Developmental processes underpinning a simultaneous bilingual preschooler's emergent biliteracy

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  • 同時バイリンガル幼児の萌芽的読み書き行動の形成過程
  • ドウジ バイリンガル ヨウジ ノ ホウガテキ ヨミ カキ コウドウ ノ ケイセイ カテイ

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This paper focuses on processes by which a simultaneous bilingual preschooler from a German-Japanese family developed emergent literacy behaviors in both German and Japanese. Qualitative analyses of data, consisting primarily of 2 years' diary entries by the boy's Japanese mother, were performed from the perspective of "other-child collaboration" and "mediational means"; these revealed three findings. First, the boy seemed to understand one of letter functions before he tried to read and write letters and extend his understanding by peripherally participating in language activities. Second, the boy's emergent literacy behaviors in both languages emerged under the guidance of significant others and his own active participation in language activities, whereas his writing behaviors in German emerged from interactions with his older sister and older children at the preschool, and his reading behaviors in Japanese emerged from interactions with his mother, mediated primarily by picture books. Third, the emergent processes underpinning his literacy behavior proceeded in parallel with the formation of his inner speech, suggesting that emergent biliteracy developmental processes should be analyzed in terms of learning each language skill and in terms of acquiring egocentric speech, the precursor of inner speech.


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