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Based on their accumulated experiences as people who have received an education prior to entering university, before students who wish to become teachers deepen their studies in teacher training programs, they intentionally or unintentionally form values and ways of thinking about and acting in relation to schools, classes, and the teachers who are responsible for them. Therefore, it is an important issue from the viewpoint of quality assurance of teacher training, to understand the experiences of students aspiring to become teachers and the perceptions they may have formed through these experiences. The purpose of this study was to extract images of good physical education classes that aspiring teachers have in mind, and to understand what kind of classes they value. An open-ended questionnaire survey was administered to 338 students enrolled in the physical education department of a private university who are aspiring to teach health and physical education at junior high and high schools. The results revealed that for students aspiring to become teachers, their image of a good physical education class relies heavily on learners’ attitudes, behaviors and actions that are demonstrated in the fundamental components of instruction during the class (i.e., in learners, teachers, and teaching materials (learning content)). In particular, emphasis was placed on the enjoyment of exercise and sports, the improvement of knowledge and skills, and the safety of physical and mental health.


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