フィールドワークが学生と地域に及ぼす影響に関する考察 : 岩手県宮古市との12年のかかわりを通して


  • A Study on the Impact of Fieldwork on both Students and Communities : Through our 12-year Relationship with Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture
  • フィールドワーク ガ ガクセイ ト チイキ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ニ カンスル コウサツ : イワテケン ミヤコシ ト ノ 12ネン ノ カカワリ オ トオシテ



This Study focus on the impact on students and residents through long-term fieldwork relationship. To clarify this point, this research analyzed the results of a questionnaire survey for students and residents and an interview survey for residents. Students were motivated by interest in the area and interest in the social issues at that time and satisfied with knowing the area deeply. It was found that the residents have great trust in the university and the students they visit repeatedly over a long period of time, which leads to a positive attitude towards accepting the next student.


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