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- リンパ フシュ ミハッショウ ノ ニュウガン ジュツゴ カンジャ ニ オケル リンパ フシュ ヨボウ コウドウ ノ ジッタイ
- リンパ浮腫未発症の乳がん術後患者のリンパ浮腫予防行動の実態
- Actual condition of lymphedema prevention behavior of postoperative breast cancer patients without lymphedema
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In the present study, a survey of the actual condition of the lymphedema prevention behavior in postoperative breast cancer patients who had not developed lymphedema was performed.A structured questionnaire survey was conducted involving 40 postoperative breast cancer patients currently receiving outpatient care, and who had undergone partial mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection, but had not developed lymphedema; 21 of these patients were also interviewed.The results showed significant differences in the “status of implementation of measures for preventing lymphedema” based on “knowing” or “not knowing” information regarding lymphedema, specific information regarding “etiology of lymphedema”, “ treatment of lymphedema”, “methods for improving lymphedema”, “precautions in lifestyle”, and “noticing signs of lymphedema”, with differences in whether these measures could be continued.In addition, significant differences were also observed for “number of measures for preventing lymphedema”, with differences being observed in the number of preventive measures based on “knowing” or “not knowing” the information.A total of four categories each was identified for awareness of lymphedema and awareness of preventive measures.These results indicate that finding ways to develop the ability to continue self-care is important in patients who have not developed lymphedema for the very reason that they have not yet developed lymphedema.It is also important to provide both support for continuation by devising prevention methods based on the patients’ daily lives and guidance related to prevention behavior that attaches actual feelings.
- The Journal of Nursing Investigation
The Journal of Nursing Investigation 12 (1), 12-23, 2013-09-30
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050020697876388096
- NII Article ID
- 120006627849
- NII Book ID
- AA11937122
- 13483722
- 24342238
- 024971500
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles